Hi, I'm Arnaud, an experienced web developer
Who am I? I'm a super curious and passionate 40 yo based in Alsace (France) but I am used to work remotely.
If I'd need to label myself it would be backend as my main interests are PHP, databases, devops, monitoring, serverless, etc.
I also enjoy taking care of the users, and I am really concerned about designing UX that don't suck totally.
Sharing knowledge is important to me. I attend meetups on a regular basis to keep on learning and meet great people. And even sometimes give talks.
I like to share my knowledge in blog posts, update outdated documentations and humbly contribute to open source projects.
On my free time, you'll find me reading books, riding my bike, cooking or relaxing at some sauna.
Feel free to write me an email.
More from me:
- A cheatsheet for PHP frequently encountered in modern projects
- A curated list of awesome tools and services aimed for modern back-end web developers. The goal is to quickly introduce beginner or small teams to a variety of tools for common tasks in web app development and operation.
- Some technical writings mostly about laravel hosted on medium
- My github profile
- A pretty inactive account on linkedin
- Some logo designs and UI ideas I made, hosted on dribbble
- Also you can find me on x (prev. twitter) where I share more personal stuff
Some other stuff that have been abandoned:
- elsass.dev (fr), where I published short interviews with developers living in my area
- A collaborative list of website analytics that don't use cookie, don't require consent and focus on privacy
- jststrt, a minimal habit tracker for the browser made with vue 1. I cut my teeth trying to improve my marketing skills but managed to get more than 1000 registers and around 50 active users.
- "Pas mon genre" (fr), an humble newsletter about gender gap written in french hosted on the now dead Revue.